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99% of the items at the MEGA Yard sale are free with a donation. We have so much stuff we have run out of room to store it. You will be bound to find many new treasures. Clothes, house items, furniture, children toys, handyman items, etc. Please remember to bring your own bags to stuff them full.
Bake sale items includes cakes, cookies, rolls, biscuits, loaves, squares, brownies, etc. YUMMY. All items at the bake sale are priced.
BBQ starts at 10am. Get your breakfast or lunch hotdog, chips, cookies, water, pop. All BBQ items are priced.
Please remember to bring items for the food bank. If your brings at least three items you will be entered into a contest for the chance to win a $50 GAS card.
All proceeds go to support Malagash Community Events and the operation of the Malagash Heritage Museum.